Episode 5 | Greg Nance

I spoke with Greg on what was a very early Shanghai morning and late Atlanta evening, and had just so much fun jamming about what Greg has been up to. Greg Nance is an entrepreneur, an ultra-marathoner, and a passionate champion of people-to-people diplomacy (although he doesn’t say as much). Some show notes:

  1. Moneythink: is an incredible organization that grew from a handful of schools in Chicago to a nationwide movement
  2. Dyad.com: mentioned in this podcast a couple times; founded by Greg, this monetizes bridging information asymmetry in the education market through mentorship programs
  3. Start Before You’re Ready: this isn’t some new discovery but Greg certainly owns this more than most people I’ve met
  4. Luck Surface Area, explained here
  5. Blog Recommendation: Ben Casnocha
  6. Talk to strangers: this is how Greg found three of his top mentors. The advice doled out to children (don’t talk to strangers) needs to be discarded at some point; Greg demonstrates the rewards of doing so.
  7. Follow your smile. I love this expression!
  8. Institute for International Education (site)
  9. Open Society Foundation (site)